Susanne Kathlen Mader's ny hjemmeside:

Monday, December 10, 2007

Aker Solutions, 2007

Aker Solutions nye hovedkontor, Aker Hus på Snarøya.

Akryl på lerret med 4 skulpturer i lakkert aluminium montert på buet vegg.

272 x 908 cm


Anonymous said...

Your work is wonderful. I asked earlier what size your work was. Now I see the murals I am full of admiration into how you have co ordinated the design into the existing structure and made it so exciting, spatial and colourful. It is vibrant. I really think it would be a good idea to have an English translation alongside your Norwegian for the international viewers. Your work is so good in sculpture, murals and paintings that it would not surprise me if you became a world wide success.

Anonymous said...

Så gøy at du har laget kunst på jobben min Susanne!! Gratulerer med oppdraget og utførelsen, den gir et løft til lokalet :-) Hilsen fra Ingrid